At the market there will be stall tents where you can buy beer/water, coffee and other wet goods. There will also be several authentic food stalls where operators sell historical snacks, drinks and food.
There may be other food stalls not listed on the website.
Inn prices

Vegan sausage with bread
60 DKK
60 DKK
Beef fillet with salad and bread
135 DKK
135 DKK
Chicken with salad and bread
95 DKK
95 DKK
95 DKK

Frankfurt with bread
60 DKK
60 DKK
Drinks prices
Grøn Tuborg - Draft beer
50 DKK
50 DKK
Tuborg Classic - Draft beer
50 DKK
50 DKK
Ramlöse Citrus
25 DKK
25 DKK
Spring water
20 DKK
20 DKK

Coffee / Coffee With Milk
20 DKK
20 DKK

20 DKK
20 DKK

Hot Chocolate
20 DKK
20 DKK

10 DKK
10 DKK