Institution day at Copenhagen
Historical Market

In collaboration with Ballerup municipality and local businesses, ALL recreational institutions, schools, and other day care centers are invited to visit Copenhagen Historical Market

Give the children an unforgettable history lesson where they can see history unfold with their own eyes.

The market takes place in Ballerup, Kræmmerstien 1, 2750 Ballerup.

Copenhagen Historical Market is a unique opportunity to let the kids spend a day in an important time in Denmark’s history. Kids can get up close and personal with passionate actors showcasing historical crafts, dress, food, housing and warfare. Throughout the day we have different shows where the actors showcase everything from fire juggling to combat with real weapons.

There is plenty of seating at the market where you can take a break from all the activities. Here you can enjoy your packed lunch or some of the delicious food/drinks available in our large historic inn tents.

To participate, you must register on this page. Participation is free, but registration is required to attend.

Children will receive a wristband valid for all market opening days.

See you Friday before Pentecost! To Copenhagen Historical Market, Kræmmerstien 1, 2750 Ballerup.
10 min walk from Malmparken station, minutes from bus and parking area.

Institutions tilmelding - 2024

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