Reenactor information

Dear reenactor. As always, your participation at KHM is a pleasure. This page will inform you about what you can expect as a reenactor at KHM. How and what to sign up for.

Application guide

We recommend everyone, even if you’ve been with us for many years, to read the guide before submitting an application.

You can find the application guide here
– Danish application guide here
– English applicants guide here

A sales stall is basically any stall that sells goods doing the fair.
Stalls pay 10% commission on sales over 4,000DKK. That is, if you sell for 5,000 kroner, the math looks like this.
5.000 – 4.000 = 1.000
1.000 * 0,1 = 100
This means you must pay 100DKK at the office in the volunteer camp before you leave KHM.

A group can be one or more people who attend KHM for the atmosphere or to participate in shows/fights.
As a rule, you are not allowed to sell here.

A craft stall with active communication is a stall that performs a craft doing KHM. Where you tell and show off your craft.
A craft stall is allowed to sell goods under the KHM. Craft stalls, unlike stallholders, do not pay commission on sales.
Craft stalls are checked for active mediation, if this is not complied with, you will be charged in the same way as a stallholder.

Mead stalls sell mead during KHM.
These stalls, like stallholders, must be approved.
Mead stalls have individual agreements for what they have to pay in commission.
Mead stalls may offer tastings, but may not serve drinks.

Food stalls sell food during KHM.
These stalls, like stallholders, must be approved.
Food stalls have individual agreements for what they have to pay in commission.
Food stalls are not allowed to serve drinks.

KHM is responsible for selling drinks to guests.
Basically, we are the only ones allowed to sell this under KHM.

Children’s activity is basically located in the Role-play area. This can only be waived by further dialog.

Here you must accept tokens sold by KHM. After which you can exchange them for crowns by market. This is done via. A transfer.

Register as a reenactor via the button below. NOTE. Remember to read the registration guide before signing up

Sign up for actor food via the button below. NOTE. The food must be paid via bank transfer no later than May 1st. 2024. You will receive more info about payment later. Payment must be collected from the person ordering the food.
If you are unable to do so, please contact us at [email protected]

What you might not know about KHM
Copenhagen Historical Markets is an NGO whose purpose is to provide cultural experiences for children & young people and people who are challenged in society.
We invite free of charge schools, institutions and charitable organizations for our events. Our record is 11,000 children, young people and vulnerable who have attended our event for free.
Here is a selection of those who attended for free in 2023:

  • Mødrehjælpen
  • SIND
  • The Man Center
  • Red Cross
  • Blue Cross

You can view and download maps and more. to the latest KHM here
Click here